Final Thoughts

To Jordan, Sarah, Justin, and Katie. The birth of my four grandchildren led me to reflect on the changing American family and the values and conflicts of the society in which my children and grandchildren will have to manage. Financial disparities coupled with the challenges of our fast-paced information age have caused confusion and stress […]

Calm begins with being mindful of the many components to maintain a calm state and personal well-being – physical, cognitive and emotional. The physical element includes a slow heart rate, deep and relaxed breathing, and loose or completely relaxed muscles. The cognitive element is being aware of the physical sensations and connecting them with what’s […]

Comfort starts with awareness of the mind-body connection. Pay attention to the fact that all of you is connected – your social, emotional, cognitive and physical systems – and each of them impact each other and how you move through the world. Become a stress detective! Recognize the signs and sources of stress and how […]

We all have a biological need for safety, connection, and love. Designate times when you can focus your attention on your child. Let go of your to-do list, worries, and stresses so you can be in-the-moment. Disconnect from all distractions, including electronic devices. When you are present, you can experience shared interactions with your child […]

The Keepsake Heart has the words CONNECT, COMFORT, and CALM inscribed on it. These three words are intentions or reminders, designed to encourage parents to foster self-care as well as mindful caregiving behaviors, healthy habits, and coping strategies to better manage stress. Each intention is meant to help parents build self-awareness as they develop a […]
The Parent’s Transitional Object

The CuddleBright Keepsake Heart is a unique transitional object designed to comfort and calm parents by providing them with something to touch and hold during difficult separations and transitions. As part of the goodbye routine, the Keepsake Heart engages both parent and child in a shared emotional experience. During times of separation, the heart is […]
Living in Balance

Connect Comfort Calm “Simply with a change of mind you can change your life.” – DEEPAK CHOPRA
Resources for Further Reading

What to Expect. (2015). Daycare 101: How to choose the best facility for your family. Retrieved from
Helpful Tips

See for yourself. It’s one thing for a provider to talk about a developmentally appropriate curriculum or individualized care—it’s another to do it! Visit providers and see them in action before you make your decision. Trust your own sense about what’s right (or not!) for your child. If you have a feeling that something isn’t […]
Consider Your Child’s Developmental Needs

Infant and toddler care should not look or feel just like preschool. Infants and toddlers need individualized care from a primary caregiver with whom they can form a strong, secure attachment. This can happen in a group care setting, provided that: • The group size is small (twelve or fewer children; six or fewer is […]