The Parenting Guide contains 18 short and digestible chapters on parenting topics, and is informed by child development theory, years of clinical experience, and neuroscience research. It gives parents an overview of the development of the whole child from birth to 5 – social, emotional, cognitive, and physical, all of which influence each other and affect the child’s growth and well-being. It contains essential parenting information and practical everyday strategies that parents can incorporate as they develop their own parenting style.
The Parenting Guide addresses emotional expression from infancy on, and gives the growing child the vocabulary to put words to their feelings and experiences. This easy to use, non-judgmental language is helpful to parent and child when discussing emotionally difficult situations and makes communicating and connecting fun for all ages.
Examples include:

The Parenting Guide also includes a four-step behavioral feedback loop that teaches parents how to proactively create their own practical routines for all parts of daily life.
Reading even a short section as you’re able will help you learn to support your child’s ability to adapt to challenges and be ready to learn.
*La Guia para Padres está disponible para descargar en español.